In the medieval ages the manor of Burgmann family was located directly connected to town wall on the same site where currently the noble house of the Wettberg family is still standing. The Burgmann manor was also used for defense purposes. The Burgmann manor was acquired by the Wettberg family in the 15th century. The Wettberg family reconstructed the manor within the last third of the 16th century into a renaissance style building. The cellar and the ground floor of that building are currently still existing. You can see the crest of the Wettberg family on the Gazebo front. The stair tower was integrated into the west wing of the building complex. However, later than 1700 the upper floor was completely rebuilt while tearing down the stair towers upper parts. Other parts of the premises such as city gate, brewery and stables were torn down in later years.
Since 1971 the noble house of the Wettberg family hosts the local Museum. The Museum’s exhibitions comprise of towns history, coal mining, glass and pottery production which can be seen on three levels. Furthermore, special exhibitions and their special catalogues are produced from time to time. The „Söltjer“ Book is published on an annual basis. Opening hours: Sunday (15-18 Uhr) or based on special arrangement (phone: 05042/52276).