The memorial Roots of Faith was created on Pastor Volkart Löber’s and some citizens’ initiative in 1997/98. It was meant to point out to the rooting of Christian faith in Judaism. Christian and Jewish youngsters from Springe and Hannover formed under instructions of sculptor Jörg Gassl and metal creator Andreas Rimkus Christian and Jewish symbols in sandstone and joined the blocks on the churchyard to a whole. Again, in the summer of 1998 Christian and Jewish youngsters created the cast-iron board and thus completed the memorial. The inscription: Roots of Faith. A common work made in 97-98 by Jewish and Christian young people in memory of the former Jewish citizens of Springe. In the context of a sabbatical celebration together with guests of the Jewish community of Hamlin the memorial was handed over to the public on 10, October 1998.
The memorial is composed of graphic illustrations from the Old testament (AT) and the New testament (NT) as well as of symbols found on Jewish gravestones and Christian symbols.